How’s your metabolic health?

  • Find it hard to lose weight or maintain weight?

  • Does it feel like you’re doing all the ‘right’ things and not getting results?

It could be your blood sugar levels.

There’s a hormone, insulin (INS), that allows glucose to enter the cells for energy. This is also known as the main ‘fat storage hormone’. If our cells don’t need any more glucose, the excess glucose gets stored in the liver and fat cells.

Insulin resistance (IR) is incredibly common. 1 in 4 Aussie’s now have it.

What is IR?

IR is when you have elevated levels of INS for a period of time, and essentially your body stops responding to this hormone (and therefore your pancreas continues to pump out more of it to compensate)

You see our bodies need it. Every time you eat carbs or protein you get an increase in blood sugar levels, so your pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream, which allows glucose into the cells to use sugar as energy, or store it in the liver for later use (glycogen) or it gets stored in fat cells.

It’s fairly common with a Western diet (which relies on carb-heavy and sugar-laden foods), to have elevated blood sugar levels, and so your pancreas compensates and release more INS it into the blood. Eventually your cells don’t respond to this hormone normally, and they become IR.

This is why when we have elevated sugar + elevated INS it can cause weight gain, especially around the middle.

IR makes it more difficult to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Do I have IR?

The best way to determine if your have elevated INS levels or IR it to test for it. There’s a couple of different tests you can do. My preference is usually a combo of a fasting INS test + lipids profile.

These tests determine if you have elevated HDL cholesterol - “good cholesterol”, elevated triglycerides and elevated fasting INS, which are key indictors of IR

You can ask a doctor or naturopath (me) to do these tests.

Effects of IR?

IR can drive a number of health issues and conditions, including:

  • Weight gain, especially around the middle

  • Type II diabetes

  • Sugar cravings

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Elevated blood pressure

  • Fatty liver

  • Inflammation

  • Increased risk of health issues such as osteoporosis

Can I reverse IR?

Absolutely. Diet, lifestyle, movement and sleep has the ability to change how your cells respond to this hormone, INS, can make your cells more sensitive to it, and can even reverse IR!

Here’s my top 6 tips to reducing your insulin levels and supporting fat burning and healthy weight management - click here


I am a Naturopath and Nutritionist based in Lane Cove on Sydney's North Shore. I offer in person and online consultations so I can work with you from anywhere in the world! My mission is to help you restore vibrant health. I keep it simple! There’s no calorie counting, deprivation or fads. I draw on scientific research and clinical experience to give you personalised recommendations including practical nutritional recommendations, which includes 7-day meal ideas, recipes and shopping lists, and easy-to-apply lifestyle recommendations. I look forward to connecting with you!

Olivia McFadyen