Fasting webinar


Tonight’s webinar was fun! I went overtime (by a cheeky 15ish minutes - oops), but it’s because I am so passionate about this topic and I had a lot to cover!

We did a deep dive into metabolism, meal frequency, meal timing, portion sizes, digestive health and fasting, pros and cons of fasting and my top recommendations.

If you missed the webinar, or you’d like to rewatch it, you can watch it here.

Psst…set a reminder on your phone to catch it asap because the recording will be available to watch for 48 hours.

As promised in the webinar, here’s some extra info and inspo:

If you enjoyed this content and you’re keen for more, here’s a few ways we can work together in August:

  1. Foundations in Food eBook - 21 healthy, easy meals. It’s more than just a recipe book; you get an educational guide and toolkit for living a healthy life! Priced at $14.95

  2. Sourdough and Fermenting eCourse - this popular 4-day course helps you reset your gut, make your own fermented food and become a sourdough pro. It includes a welcome kit + sourdough starter, recipe cards, cooking demos and self paced modules. This online based course starts on the 10th August, and you can do it from anywhere. Early bird pricing is available for the next 24 hours, which is $222 (normally priced at $288).

  3. One month health package - you see, if you’ve had a niggling health complaints like bloating, weight gain or fatigue for months, or even years, it’ll take more than a one-off consultation to address it and address the cause(s). The one month health package was designed for this exact reason - to give you relief, implement changes and get momentum so you can maintain progress long into the future. It includes weekly 1:1 online consultations, email/voxer support between consultations, dietary analysis, nutritional recommendations, meal ideas, recipes and education.

    There’s one spot left for the one month health package for August, so if you’re keen you can book it here. The waiting list for September is now open.

    Priced at $555 (normally priced at $1,250)

I can’t wait to hear how you go with it all!

Olivia McFadyen