Fat Loss - Case Study


I started seeing Elizabeth in March 2019 as a new naturopathy client. In the 8 months of working together, Elizabeth has made significant progress including improvements in energy, more regular moods, improved digestion and she lost weight!

Elizabeth resolved her ongoing gut issues, lost 9 kgs and lost 12cms off her waist!

What’s the secret, you’re thinking, right? There isn’t one. Nup, there’s no ‘quick fix’. We did some pathology testing and gut testing to understand her digestion, absorption and elimination, and we created a simple wholefood approach to nutrition, which included some of the strategies discussed here

We also applied some coaching principles including the hunger scale, meal planning, diet diary, positive affirmations and the nitty gritty of body image (and beating sabotage) as well as understanding the learning cycle, and how this applies to habits, choices and development of new strategies/skills. These coaching and mindset strategies have helped re-train her brain so she approaches and thinks of food differently.

Regardless of the results she’s achieved so far, Elizabeth was the first one to email me saying “I’m in!”, and register for Body Launch. Her work is not done! She’s ready for a transformational program; something that will create long-term results, and nourish her both emotionally and physically. I wanted to share with you why Elizabeth is joining Body Launch.

Elizabeth said:“I’m so excited for Body Launch to enhance my nutrition knowledge, be inspired with new recipe ideas, devote time to self care and connect with like-minded awesome individuals”

If you’re like Elizabeth, and you’re ready to really step into 5 weeks of YOU time (I know, I know, it can seem self indulgent to focus on yourself), and learn how to eat intuitively, ‘break-up’ with dieting, learn new simple wholefood meal ideas and recipes, and finally cut through all the BS of the latest fads, WHILST enjoying food, losing weight and regulating insulin levels, then please join us! It’s a completely personalised program, which is why we kick off with pathology testing so we can create a plan that’s tailored for your body (including your insulin levels).

Body Launch starts on the 29th January 2020 for 5 weeks.

Body Launch includes:

  • Pathology testing - blood sugar testing, metabolic testing, cholesterol testing and triglyceride testing

  • Weekly online naturopathic and nutrition consultations

  • Email support between consultations

  • Personalised health plan including meal ideas, shopping list, recipes,

  • Weekly live tutorials on topics including intermittent fasting, carbohydrate tolerance, ketosis, macronutrients, your ‘set-point’, coaching principles, sleep, movement and more

  • Body Launch Cookbook - eBook

  • Body Launch Workbook & Tracker

  • Private Facebook Group, and more!

100% Money Back Guarantee

Wait… what?! I back you - you’ve got this. If you don’t get results at the end of the 5-week program, you’ll receive 100% of your money back. There’s zero risk.

Investment: $695

(Valued at $1,540)

Olivia McFadyen