Is Coffee Healthy & How Much Is Too Much? (+ Caffeine Calculator)

Coffee - Olivia McFadyen, Naturopath

One of the most common questions I get asked is how much coffee is too much and do I need to give it up to be truly healthy?

Short answer, no - coffee CAN be part of a balanced lifestyle (insert virtual high five!)

Research tells us that for most people it’s safe to consume up to 200mg caffeine (= up to 2 shots of coffee) per day! The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) say it's safe to have up to 200 mg a day.

Here’s a few facts:

☕️ 1 shot of coffee is about 70-100mg of caffeine
☕️ So, I usually say 1-2 shots of coffee a day is absolutely OK
☕️ NOTE: 100-200mg is the TOTAL caffeine recommendation for the day though - keep in mind that a large coffee could have 2-3 shots in it (or even more!).

Caffeine Calculator:

See how much caffeine you’re consuming on a daily basis. Don’t forget about ‘hidden’ caffeine like in green tea and chocolate, it’s not just in coffee!

  • 1 shot of coffee = approx 70-100 mg of caffeine

  • 1 green tea = approx 30 mg caffeine

  • 30 grams of dark choc = approx 20 mg caffeine

  • 30 grams of milk choc = approx 8 mg caffeine

  • 1 can of soft drink = approx 80 mg of caffeine

Final words…

200mg of caffeine per day really is the limit when it comes to optimal health

We know that more than 200mg of caffeine can have detrimental effects on our hormones and fertility, exacerbate stress, contribute to mood swings, affect sleep and drive inflammatory conditions.

For example, more than 200 mg of caffeine per day can increase risk of miscarriage for pregnant women

What do I do?:

As a Naturopath, Nutritionist and sometimes sleep deprived Mumma Bear - I love including coffee as part of a healthy lifestyle. I’m a sucker for an almond milk flat white!

* Those with high stress, mood swings, fertility issues or specific conditions may benefit from abstaining from coffee for a period of time

Olivia McFadyen