Maybe I'm Boring.


I know, I know, I'm meant to have a killer subject line and some fancy new product to share with you in this post, but I don't have either. 

I'm here to tell you something. Something that may be a not-so-popular opinion. So, grab a cuppa because I'm not your dot-point storytelling kinda gal.

Last week I had a new patient that expressed her frustration for my lack of prescribing. At the end of her session, she had a personalised nutritional plan, meal ideas, recipes and a constitutional homeopathic medicine prescription, as well as lifestyle recommendations. She expected more... more on to-do list, more pathology tests to do, more supplements to take, more elimination foods to trial and more lifestyle changes to make.

And this was where we had a beautiful in-depth conversation about about doing less.

There's often an emphasis on doing more to elevate your health - more supplements, more diets, more testing, more self-help ... MORE.  But here's the thing, your body is smarter than that. Your body knows how to heal.  Without all the stuff we think we need. In fact, your body has an innate ability to heal. 

Maybe I'm a little boring or old school but don't underestimate the power of doing LESS.

Now, I don't mean do less in an eat-crap, drink copious amounts of wine and go to bed late, kind of way. I mean doing less in a way where you're not overthinking, overdoing and overspending.

If it's not life threatening, give your body space to heal, with exactly what it needs (based on recommendations from a practitioner not Google or influencers), and see what happens.

Sometimes more of a hands-off approach is best. Sometimes not getting in the way of the body's ability to heal is THE healing response. Doing less is THE medicine.

So here's your permission slip (not that you need it!) - to stop. Stop looking for more. There's a good chance the answer is less... less health 'rules', less supplements, less expectations, less on the to-do list...

P.S....This is not medical advice! This is my point of view as a natural medicine practitioner where I see exhausted patients that have tried too many modalities, spent too long Dr Googling, and spent far too much money, to no avail, and in the process, they've made it harder for their body to recalibrate and heal.

P.P.S. If you feel stuck or overwhelmed with your health, reach out for help! My mission is simple: empower  women and children to resolve persistent gut issues, overcome crippling fatigue and reignite their spark! 

Olivia McFadyen