My 3 Favourite Foundational Supplements


Do we need to supplement? Even when we have a really good diet?

Yes, abso-bloody-lutely!

We CANNOT get our nutrients that our body’s require from our food alone. On top of food that is sprayed in pesticides and often full to the brim with preservatives and colours, think about fast food / processed foods we’re consuming (anything in a glass jar or cardboard box has been processed), as well as living in today’s world - late nights, high stress, caffeine consumption, grog intake, EMF exposure (WIFI!), sedentary lifestyle and our environment - it’s no wonder our bodies need a little help.

Our body’s have not changed on a cellular level but look how much our diet and lifestyle has changed, even over the last decade.

The SAD - Standard Australian/American Diet consumes 2.5 X more sugar than we should, with overweight, obesity, insulin resistance, autoimmune disease, allergies and inflammatory conditions on the rise like never before and that’s our body’s red flags that something isn’t right!

Take Vitamin D, for example. If you have low levels or are Vitamin D deficient (like up to 80-90% of Aussies are estimated to be), you’d need to take 5,000 IU/day of Vitamin D to correct the deficiency for a few months, (which is 1ml of a liquid Vitamin D so it’s very little) OR eat 125 eggs per day. You see, eggs are on of the top sources of Vitamin D. That’s not a typo - one hundred and twenty five eggs per day! It’s impossible (even for an egg lover like me!)

There’s a few core supplements I recommend for most people as a starting point to help bring their body back to balance, while they create healthy habits for a good foundation of health.

My Top 3 Foundational Supplements:

I recommend high quality supplements (usually practitioner-only ranges because they’re well absorbed by the body and actually useful, as opposed to some of the cheaper ones at supermarkets and chemists!), alongside a nutrient-dense & real food diet. It’s not about one or the other. Supplements do just that - they supplement a good diet! Supplements are not a magic wand (sorry), but they can support your body with it’s innate healing capacity, when you’re nourishing your cells with veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds, eggs, oily fish, good quality meats, etc.

My Top 3 Foundational Supplements:

  • Multivitamin (that contains choline and iodine)

    • To get your core vitamins and minerals for hormones, energy, mood, sleep, cognition, metabolic health and general wellness.

      • Choline is needed for liver health, detoxification and fat metabolism.

      • Iodine is needed by every cell of the body and ‘feeds’ the thyroid for thyroid hormone production.

  • Vitamin D

    • Up to 80-90% of Australians have low levels/deficiency.

    • Vitamin D3 supports hormone health including thyroid, mood swings, immune health , bone health and more.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    • Think of omega-3 as the anti-inflammatory ninjas of the body - they help lower inflammatory markers, lower insulin, lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, etc.

    • Replenish nervous system, support hormones and mood

Are You Deficient?:

I recommend we all do yearly blood tests (January is usually a good time) as part of a check-in with our health. Always ask you GP or Naturopath/Nutritionist to check iron, iodine and Vitamin D levels as if they’re low/deficient levels we want to know exactly what they are so we can address the deficiency with a good supplement.

If the iodine and Vitamin D testing isn’t going to be covered by Medicare you can always ask for a private lab referral - it’s cheap and easy. An iodine urine test and Vitamin D test will cost you about $80-$100.

More on Vitamin D - here

The information provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a personal prescription for you or intended to diagnose, treat or cure. Please speak to your health provider for more information or a bespoke health plan.

Olivia McFadyen