What are essential oils?

I know what you’re thinking – aren’t essential oils just for hippes, sitting cross-legged in a grass field, singing kumbaya, right? Wrong!

Essential oils are potent plant extracts, think of them as the immune system for the plant; their job is to fight threats, infection and inflammation, like warding off pests and fighting disease. 

When they extracted and distilled, we can experience similar benefits, as humans. After all, plant cells and human cells are very similar – we’re both from nature. Our bodies read these compounds and metabolise them quickly. By quickly, I mean, really quickly. 

Oils are fast acting. When you breath them in they reach the limbic brain, your emotional control centre, that’s in control of mood, hormones and BP, within 22 seconds, oils are found in the blood within 2 minutes of topical application and oils affect every cell in the body within 20 minutes. This helps us understand why using a calming oil like Lavender, can calm the farm so quickly, or using an uplifting oil like Peppermint, can be so energising.

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Feeling overwhelmed with where to start with oils?
I get it – I’ve been there too. I’ve got you covered.

Firstly, once you order your oils I will plug you in to lots of training, resources, recipes and information as well as getting on the phone with you myself to make sure you’re using your oils effectively.

Secondly, the most popular place to start (where 85% of people start) is by purchasing an enrolment kit; they offer the best & most versatile oils at the best value. Read more about how to use essential oils and which starter kit to pick here.

You can buy doTERRA essential oils online or through some stores but when you do that, you’re paying retail price, which is totally unnecessary. Let me show you how to purchase doTERRA oils at 25% discount, which is the same price I pay!

By opening up a wholesale account it means you get 25% off and there’s zero obligation to make any future orders, but you always have the option of ordering monthly through their Loyalty Rewards Program, if you want to access oils at a further discount and receive free shipping.

Remember, when you get your oils you don’t just get them and think “where to from here?”. You’re welcomed straight into our oils community so you can be educated, inspired and delighted with initial essential oils training and information. We plug you into team training, oils workshops, ongoing education, team app, recipes, FB groups and so much more. You’ll never be short on resources, I promise!

+ Why doTERRA essential oils? (read more)

  • doTERRA is largest essential oil company in the world

  • doTERRA has the most pure, trusted and tested oils in the world

  • doTERRA uses the highest standard of rigorous testing. According to APRC (which is the 3rd party lab that tests oils), over 80% of the essential oils on the market today have been adulterated with fillers and synthetics, so ensuring you have pure and tested oils is vital. doTERRA offers CPTG, certified pure therapeutic grade, on every single bottle

  • These oils help restore homeostasis for your health. They ground you. They balance you. They energise you.
  • This global company has such a philanthropic heart - doTERRA founded The Healing Hands Foundation, an initiative that seeks to bring healing and hope to the world by supporting and empowering impoverished communities, including Operation Railroad Underground, which saves children from child sex trafficking. To be aligned with a company that works like this, and voting with your dollar, is the cherry on top.



Get Started with 3 easy steps:


Pick your starter kit

+ More Information:

The two most popular kits that 85% of doTERRA customers start with, is the Home Essential Kit or Nature’s Solution Kit.

Pick the best kit to suit your health and budget OR pick one, two or more oils to get started – read more.



Order your oils online

+ More Information:

  1. Order your oils here: Click here or type in:
  2. Click “Join and Save” up the top
  3. Choose your language and country
  4. Select Local (OTG) Order (Australian Warehouse, Australian Dollars if applicable)
  5. Click Wholesale Customer, which will give you the wholesale Prices, which gives you 25% discount on all products. Note: you don’t need to sell, buy or build a business to access wholesale prices, or big wholesale order regularly. It just means you'll pay the same price for oils that I pay.
  6. Complete your personal information including shipping address. If you don’t have an ABN, don’t stress, you can leave it blank
  7. At Enroller ID, if it’s not here already, enter my number: 5102826. Click verify to confirm it is Olivia McFadyen
  8. Select a password that you’ll use to log in to your back office with doTERRA and to place future orders
  9. Read terms and conditions and tick the box
  10. Now the fun begins… order your oils.

Either: Pick your preferred enrolment kit, which waives the $35 membership fee.
OR Add a ‘Welcome Introductory Packet’ for $35, which is your wholesale membership fee and add your oils

Press continue and then it’s your credit card details to process the order. Hit submit.



Receive your oils

+ More Information:

The postie will deliver your oils to you within a few days, and I’ll land in your inbox with a welcome email and lots of resources to get you started, including free ebooks like my ‘Healthy Home’ ebook, videos, cheat sheets and recipes.

We’ll also find a time within two weeks of your oils arriving to get on the phone for a wellness consultation to make sure you’re using your oils safely and effectively, and getting the most out of your membership.



Christmas Gift Guide 2020


Starter Kits

Starter kits is the most popular, effective and economical way to get starter. Remember, when you get your oils you don’t just get them, you get me, and my ongoing support!

When you join my team you’ll receive the following perks and benefits:

  • Your wholesale membership (this is 25% off future purchases)

  • Access to monthly promotions from doTERRA

  • The opportunity to be activate your monthly wellness box and be rewarded with free products

  • A wellness consultation with me, which includes a personalised essential oils consultation, nutrition tips and lifestyle recommendations, as well as ongoing support 

  • Our Team Recipe App (all the info you need in a one-stop-shop and easy-to-use way)

  • Free ebooks (includes Natural Beauty & Skin Care, Green Cleaning, Roller Bottle Blends and more)

  • And more!



The Family Essentials Kit is the sample size version of our most popular kit, The Home Essentials Kit. It includes the same Top 10 Oils, but in 5ml bottles rather than 15mls, which will get you started on your oils journey. This allows you to bring essential oils into your home or to use these oils as your travel-size kit.

I highly recommend you add a bottle of fractionated coconut oil so you can use the oils topically, and add the petal or lumo diffuser, so you can diffuse the oils in your home or office.


Includes 10 key oils, including Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Easy Air, OnGuard, Tea Tree, Ice Blue and Oregano.

These 10 oils have you covered on all bases; they cover every body system, including gastrointestinal, immune, nervous, endocrine, skin, muscular, skeletal, lymphatic and reproductive. ANY symptom you experience will have an oil that can support you and help support healing. Plus you get a diffuser so you can get started using your oils IMMEDIATELY!

They only thing you may want to add to this order is a bottle of Fractionated Coconut oil ($16.50), so you can get started applying these oils topically!



Includes 10 key oils in the Home Essentials Kit PLUS an additional 8 oils for natural mood management and support to hormones, plus the most popular low-toxicity products so you’re supporting your WHOLE health!

It's the best kit if you’re ready to overhaul the whole you - physical, emotional and environmental, and up-level your health.

It’s got you covered with additional oils for mood management (sleeping, stress, feeling overwhelmed etc.) and hormone supportive oils, as well as cleaning products and bathroom products, such as natural toothpaste, hand wash, etc.

Plus doTERRA gift you 100 PV (=$130) of free oils/products the following month after you get your kit and put through a LRP order of 100PV.


Feel like you still want to chat or pick my brain?

Before you make an investment, it can be handy to chat to me and make sure you’re choosing the right oils at the cheapest price. Connect with me and we can organise a chat!




+ I want the oils – what does it mean to become a wholesale customer?

These essential oils are your new go-to natural solutions, that you’ll be using as a natural, safe and effective way to support your health, including digestion, energy, mood, sleep, focus, hormones and metabolism. Over 90% of doTERRA customers use their oils because they love them (not because they share them)

+ How will I know how to use my oils?

You order your oils, you don’t just get them – you get me. I’ll plug you in to the most amazing team of crazy oil ladies, and you’ll have lifetime access to our our ebooks, videos, facebook group, workshops and ongoing education. Within the first month of receiving your oils, we sit down over a coffee (sometimes it’s a virtual coffee) and get a free 30 minute wellness consultation. We’ll ensure the oils are being used safely and effectively and meeting your needs, and so much more!

+ Do I need to order every month?

Absolutely not. There’s zero obligation to make any future orders. It just so happens, that most people do. In fact, doTERRA has 65% of wholesale customers ordering every few months, because they love the oils and products so much.

+ What is Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP)?

The best part of your wholesale doTERRA membership is you get the option to activate your LRP – your monthly wellness box!

Are you ready to switch to a natural and low toxicity lifestyle? LRP is the most effective, affordable and valuable way to do this.

When you activate your LRP you earn back an additional 10-30% on every order + get back 100% of shipping + can earn free product of the month.It’s incredible value. For example, most wholesale customers gradually start switching their conventional household products to natural and low toxicity plant-based products, which they do utilising monthly wellness box, such as natural laundry detergent, natural shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, moisturiser, etc.-based, natural and low toxicity products such as


+ Work with me

  • Did you know, that when you open your wholesale account and start using your doTERRA essential oils, there’s an optional gift, just quietly waiting for you to unwrap it, should you want it…

    You have the opportunity to create your very own essential oils business by sharing essential oils and bring these bottles of magic into other people’s homes

  • Are you over the traditional 9-5 job?
  • Are you over the Mothers Guilt at childcare or school drop off?
  • Have you ever dreamed of working from home or a café for that matter?
  • Does natural health and finding ‘another way’ genuinely excite you?
  • Are you open to finding a sisterhood and a tribe of women that build you up?

If you’re thinking “yes, yes, yes”, then this is for you, lovely.

You DON’T need any qualifications in aromatherapy or natural health to share essential oils and run a successful oils biz. The only pre-requisite I say, is that you are using your oils every single day & you’re a full-blown oil sniffing addict. We have women in our team from all walks of life; full-time mums, nutritionists, obstetricians, lawyers, nurses and teachers.

There’s no better time to work in the health industry. As a society, we’re sicker than ever, and as a result, complementary medicine is on the rise. In fact, two thirds of Aussie’s used complementary medicine last year. Most people are desperately searching for a more natural, simple and effective way of living and preventing disease, and you’ve got one of the best tools they can use!

+ What’s involved in the business opportunity?

  • Living. You are living an essential oil lifestyle and love integrating essential oils into your life.
  • Sharing. You share your experience of essential oils by chatting to people one-on-one or having workshops. There’s no slimy and sleezy selling feeling – you’re just telling people why YOU love the oils. Then let the oils speak for themselves.
  • Nurturing. Invite people to experience doTERRA essential oils and help them get them into their home
  • It’s risk free. The only business overhead is $125 oils order each month (this means you can earn commission), which you order anyway because oils are life!
  • Flexibility. You can work from anywhere – home, café, library
  • Balance. You pick your hours
  • Immediate start. You can start immediately, knowing there is free business training, with educational videos, information, resources ready to go, as well as ongoing mentoring from leaders
  • Sisterhood. Work alongside like-minded women (and a few dudes) that build you up, as a collective. Life-long friendships will be made
  • Leadership positions. We have leadership positions available for those that are ready to throw caution to the wind and jump on in.

There’s over 7 million doTERRA customers worldwide, and less than 2% of Aussie’s have doTERRA accounts, which means there’s a lot of lives to change. It also means there’s a lot of room for health advocates to show people how easy it is to turn to Mother Nature for health.

+ Where to from here?

Once you’ve ordered your oils (woo hoo), flick me an email. That way we can have a chinwag and talk all things oils. From there we’ll schedule in your business training and strategy meeting.

Want to pick my brain about the business side of things? Get in touch.

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