6 Ways to Enhance Immunity


Right now, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, uncertainty and social distancing, I'm talking a lot about the power of staying at home (where possible) and how we CAN enhance our immunity, fairly easily and at very little cost. I’ve also had questions about the flu jab, so here’s my approach to supporting the body’s immunity and other science-based options to the flu shot.

6 Ways to Enhance Immunity:

1. Water

Always start with drinking adequate water - it's the most important nutrient, hands-down! It gets nutrients into cells to nourish them, transports toxins out of the cells for elimination, supports digestion, keeps your poop moving along and supports weight management!

2. Eat nutrient-dense foods

This includes:

  • Prebiotics (known as food for your probiotics aka gut bacteria) - apple cider vinegar, berries, onions, garlic, resistant starch (a type of fibre that’s so good for your gut, especially potatoes and oats) Resistant starch sources ‘feed’ your gut bacteria which lines your intestinal wall and supports production of immune supportive short chain fatty acids, including butyrate!

  • Veggies - up your vegetable intake, as vegetables are an amazing source of Vitamin C, known for it’s immune supportive properties and antihistamine benefits. Aim for 6 serves of vegetables a day = 6 handfuls of salad/veg

  • Nuts and seeds - have a handful of nuts or seeds a day. My favourite ones are cashews and brazil nuts, as cashews are amazing source of resistant starch and brazil nuts are a major source of selenium, a key mineral that supports thyroid function, energy and immunity!

    • By eating 3 brazil nuts a day, you’ll get your daily requirement of selenium!

  • Don’t forget to eat protein and fats with each meal, such as eggs, seafood, oily fish etc. These macronutrients will keep your blood sugar level nice and regular and help with satiety!

3. Movement, green space, nature and of course sunshine!

These are crucial right now for our gut microbiome (yep, playing in the dirt is directly linked to a more diverse gut bacteria) & immune cells, and for connecting with nature and other people (those in your home or virtually) is vital for our emotional health.

4. Vitamin D

Now is the time to nourish your body and mind, and Vitamin D does just that! Vitamin D is one of the most effective immune strategies and mood supportive nutrients. 

Vitamin D is anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant, immune-modulating and cardiovascular supportive. It’s also useful for fighting common cold and viruses.

A study published in the British Medical Journal found that Vitamin D supplementation reduces cancer mortality by 16%. Vitamin D has also been shown to be protective against diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Research shows Vitamin D can be more effective than the flu vaccination.

Medical journals citing numerous studies over the last 10 years with thousands of people have shown this! 

If you’re interested in these studies always look at peer reviewed medical journals, start with BMC, New England Journal of Medicine or PubMed. Here’s a great article if you’re ready to dip your toes in the water on Vitamin D in medical research and see links to numerous studies: Virology Journal 2008, 5:29 

5. Vitamin C and Zinc

Lets focus on getting Vitamin C in through your diet, which would be mostly vegetables! Don’t forget to try to eat 6 vegetables a day. Most people will benefit from 2,000 mg Vitamin C per day to support immunity. Liposomal is my preferred type of Vitamin C. I don’t really recommend the chewable ones - sorry!

Zinc is one of the key minerals for supporting your innate and adaptive immune response and supporting immune resilience. Most people thrive when they take at least 20-30 mg per day. My preferred type of zinc is zinc bisglycinate. Some people need more or less than this.

6. Plant Power

Herbs have been around longer than humans. Herbal medicine contains potent plant extracts that are healing and supportive, such as immune modulating herbs like Echinacea, Astragalus, Mushrooms, Lemon Balm, Rosemary and Sage. As a herbalist I formulate specific herbal formula prescriptions for patients based on their needs. Please don’t self prescribe when it comes to taking herbal medicine.

You can always use herbs that are in your pantry and spice up your foods/drinks. Immune supportive herbs that will most likely be in your herbs and spices draw include Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon and Cloves

We also use essential oils in our home because they’re so gentle and powerful for supporting you in times of seasonal threats. We also love how they can support a sense of calmness and promote a grounding environment! We absolutely love using Turmeric, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Oregano, Rosemary, Lavender, Frankincense, Manuka, On Guard and Copaiba. You can read more about essential oils here

Vitamin D Supplementation:

Given up to 80% of Aussies are low or deficient in Vitamin D, I recommend children take 1,000-2,000 IU/ day and adults take at least 2,000-4,000 IU/day to support their body during the COVID-19 pandemic and for general immunity. 

I recommend a practitioner-quality Vitamin D liquid (chat to me if you’d like more info). Vitamin D liquid really is cheap as chips ($25 will last you for about 3 months), and compliance is high because it’s such a low dose you need - typically about 1ml a day (=4,000 IU).

Vitamin D Testing:

Of course, it’d be ideal if you have had your Vitamin D levels tested within the last 3 months but this may be difficult given the social distancing measures in place. When things return to normal (whenever that may be), I recommend getting Vitamin D levels tested through your GP or Naturopath. I tell patients that their optimal Vitamin D levels are 80-100+ ng/mL. Please be aware the acceptable range is over 50 but we don’t want you falling into the category of acceptable - you should be thriving!

So what do I think of the flu shot?

I encourage you to do your research (please look at medical journals, not Wikipedia), talk to a variety of health practitioners and decide what's best for you.

We're all individuals and can decide what we do for our bodies. My family and I have decided again this year that it's the flu jab is not for us. We are out in nature every single day, we don't eat much refined sugar (as this can suppress white blood cells - your little soldiers that come out firing at pathogens), love our veggies and fermented foods, we use powerful essential oils, herbal medicine and supplements, including Vitamin D.

I’m here for you. If you have any questions let me know. I’m also currently offering 15-minute immune consultations (priced at $65), so if you’d like a personalised immune plan, or to book in an initial naturopathy consultation you can do so via the website here. All consultations are online - skype/zoom or phone, which means you get to do it from the comfort and safety of your home!

Olivia McFadyen