ABC - Your number one, don't-leave-the-house-without-it, homeopathic medicine!

Chamomilla - Olivia McFadyen

Homeopathic remedies are an essential. Every Mumma Bear needs them! I didn’t grow up using them. In fact, before becoming a homeopath I’d only ever really used Arnica cream. I was pretty naive. Homeopathy just happened to be a key modality alongside my naturopathic qualifications, and suddenly I was in love!

When I lived in London (pre-kid days) I was a newly qualified Homeopath and Naturopath, and I couldn’t believe how popular homeopathic were in the UK. Homeopathic remedies lined half the chemist shelves! I’d prescribe homeopathics to every second patient in the UK for acute or chronic conditions. In some countries like Switzerland and India, homeopathy is part of the national health system!

Homeopathy was developed 200 years ago by a doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy supports the body’s innate healing response. Remedies are made from a substance that can induce similar symptoms to those the patient experiences, which is called the “law of similars”.

If you’re reading this and you’re thinking “whaaaat?!”, let me explain… Think about what happens when you cut up onions - your eyes water, you get an itchy nose, you’re all congested etc. In homeopathy we use Allium Cepa (from onions) to help address similar symptoms such as those with hay fever and rhinitis symptoms! Pretty cool, hey?!

The top 3 homeopathic remedies that should be in EVERY home!:

It’s known as your first aid ABC - Aconite, Belladonna and Chamomilla. These homeopathic medicines are complementary and can be used close together or even at the same time. If you’re not sure which specific homeopathic medicine is the best indicated for you/your child, or there’s general pain, mild fever or irritability you can use the well-known combo: ABC.

ABC includes is a combo commonly used to help reduce or relieve symptoms in little ones who are unsettled and irritable due to pain, teething or mild fever.

Instructions: Add 1-2 drops of aconite, belladonna and chamomilla in a small glass of water/bottle, shake or mix, then offer a sip every 10 minutes, or until symptoms improve. Each sip = a dose. Maximum of 4 drops of each homeopathic medicine per day.


  • For early stages of shock, fever and inflammatory process, such as cold, flu, fever, vomiting, etc.

  • Symptoms are often brought quickly or from shock, and is used to treat fear/anxiety

  • First remedy to reach for for first sign of cold or cough.


  • Symptoms are always associated with redness, heat and mild fever.

  • Known as a great children’s remedy. I often use it when there is mild fever and heat symptoms.

  • Often it’s accompanied by throbbing pain such as toothaches, earaches, mild fever, headache and mastitis


  • Useful for those experience irritability and oversensitive to pain

  • Can relieve common baby ailments and symptoms associated with colic, teething and useful for a dry cough

  • Child can have one red cheek and one pale cheek

  • Often used for restlessness

  • It’s my number one baby remedy for irritability and an unsettled bubs

You can order these remedies and a homeopathic first aid kit here

For more homeopathic support and remedies please download my free eBook and eCourse here

Olivia McFadyen