Bowel Nosodes
What are bowel nosodes?
Bowel nosodes are homeopathic medicines that are prepared from non-lactose fermenting bacteria from the gut and have been used clinically for over 100 years.
Think of bowel nosodes as similar to homeopathic probiotics.
Bowel nosodes are incredibly powerful and effective when there are digestion and absorption issues like diarrhoea, constipation, reflux, nausea, bloating and IBS.
Bowel nosodes can also be used for mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability, immune challenges and recurring skin issues.
A deeper dive
Let’s talk about the relationship between the gut and moods, for a sec.
The gut-brain axis is a two-way signalling pathway.
You have millions of neurons, which are communicating between your gut and brain.
A healthy adult has up to 2kg of microbes residing in their gut and these gut microbes are responsible for producing a number of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine.
95% of serotonin (your feel-good, happy neurotransmitter) is manufactured in the gut.
It goes without saying, the health of your digestive system DIRECTLY impacts your mood.
This is one of the many reasons bowel nosodes can resolve ongoing issues and change the trajectory of your health. Bowel nosodes essentially give the body a blueprint of how the intestinal flora should look.
Now, you can use a combination of bowel nosodes (Poly Bowel or Poly Bowel Plus), or specific bowel nosodes.
Probiotics & bowel nosodes
As a Naturopath I incorporate both broad spectrum probiotics and specific probiotic strains into my treatment strategies for clients.
Broad spectrum probiotic can be beneficial for general health or during/after a course of antibiotics, but specific strains of probiotics perform different jobs.
Specific probiotic strains can have a more targeted approach. For example, S. boulardii is used for diarrhoea, Lactobacillus rhamnosus is used for eczema and Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37 is used for anxiety and mood.
This isn’t dissimilar to bowel nosodes - there’s a general bowel nosode combination, or there’s specific bowel nosodes.
Five of my most commonly prescribed bowel nosodes:
1. Gaertner:
It's the #1 bowel nosode for malabsoption, which is at the core of IBS, intolerances, allergies and chronic digestive disturbances. It's a key nosode for failure to to thrive, hypersensitivity, picky eaters and ADD/ADHD.
2. Sycotic-co:
It's the #1 bowel nosode for overgrowths (warts, cysts, polyps), overproduction of mucous (tonsillitis, sinusitis and sudden/acute coughs) and also arthritis. It's similar to Thuja.
3. Morgan (Bach):
It's the #1 bowel nosode for congestion, which often presents as skin congestion (eczema especially eczema in infants/children, impetigo, acne, boils and hives) and bowel congestion (constipation and haemorrhoids, and also a tendency to parasites). It's similar to Lycopodium.
4. Dys-co
It's the #1 bowel nosode for anxiety, especially performance anxiety and apprehension. It's similar to Arg Nit with extreme fear that something bad is about to happen. It can have the symptoms of brain fog, easily embarrassed (can blush easily), stress (which can present as fidgeting, nail biting, heart palpitations, etc.) and anxiety. Can be associated with indigestion and flatulence, often relieved by eating.
5. Poly Bowel Plus:
The Poly Bowel Nosode, which contains ten bowel nosodes (including Dys Co, Morgan Bach, Gaertner and Sycotic-co), combined with digestive enzymes and candida – it contains the whole range of healthy intestinal flora and gives the body a blueprint of how the flora should look. This is a combination remedy, which is a broader approach to supporting gut health and improving digestion.
The Poly Bowel Plus can be incredibly effective to use during/after a course of antibiotics, for general health or alongside other Poly Detox Remedies to restore a healthy gut microbiome.
Where to from here?
I hope this helps with your education of bowel nosodes!
For personalised support with your health, please speak to your health practitioner or book a 1:1 homeopathic consultation with me.
For more information on bowel nosodes, you can read the work of Anthony Bickley and Ton Jansen.
This information is not medical advice. Please speak to your health practitioner for personalised support. Book a 1:1 consultation with me here.