Managing Perimenopause, Naturally (part 2)


If you missed the Managing Perimenopause, Naturally (part 1) check it out. It’ll help you understand the basics of hormonal shifts and perimenopause symptoms, before we tackle ways to manage them.


My top 3 homeopathic medicines for resolving perimenopause symptoms:

1. Lachesis: #1 for hot flushes. 

Hot flushes that can wake you at night and you'll find you need to change your jammies or bed linen change. Hot flushes can be worse for tight clothing. Also useful for palpitations.

2. Sepia: It's an all-rounder for perimenopause. 

Hormone balancing. Useful for women that have unexplained weight gain, hot flushes, irregular/absent periods, fatigue, and may feel "touched out". Also useful for pelvic floor weakness, heavy bleeding and vaginal dryness.  

3.Pulsatilla: For women who may experience changeable moods and weepiness. It's often indicated for irregular cycles and hot flushes that come and go.

Other commonly prescribed perimenopause/menopause remedies include Arg nit, Ignatia, Sabina, Graphites, Lycopodium, Staphysagria, Nat mur, Cimifuga, Sulphur and many more.

I usually prescribe a homeopathic medicine alongside a highly bioavailable magnesium supplement, as magnesium is a key hormone balancing mineral that can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce sugar cravings, regulate the HPA axis and promote sleep.

Homeopathy is based on individualised care, and remedies are prescribed based on the symptom presentation and health history of each woman. This is why you're always best to consult your homeopath or health practitioner or book a 1:1 homeopathic & naturopathic consultation with me. 

Olivia McFadyen