Chocolate Snickers Smoothie Recipe


Who doesn’t love the combo of peanut butter and chocolate? It’s so comforting! Think of this Chocolate Snickers Smoothie as a healthy liquid alternative to a snickers bar! It’s also contains veggies, protein and fat, making it the perfect for brekkie option or a mid arvo drink to keep those 3pm sugar cravings at bay.

A hot tip: I always sneak in veggies to a smoothie or milkshake. I have a constant supply of frozen zucchini in the freezer, which I know sounds odd but don’t knock it till you try it. I promise you, frozen zucchini is tasteless but bulks up and thickens a smoothie. Alternatively, you can throw in a handful of baby spinach leaves to up the veg intake.

Did you know you should have 5-6 serves of vegetables per day?! This is equivalent to 5-6 cups of veggies/salad each day, every day! Recent stats showed only 7% of Aussies consume the recommended intake of veg. Tossing some veg in a smoothie is an easy win!

Happy smoothie days!

Serves 1 very ‘hangry’ and ‘hormotional’ pregnant lady (that’s me!) or 2 normal adults!

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: None

  • 1/2 frozen zucchini

  • 1/2 frozen or fresh banana

  • 6 ice cubes

  • 250 mls of nut milk/rice milk

  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter

  • 1 tablespoon of cacao powder

Pop all ingredients in a blender and blitz until smooth

Olivia McFadyen