Coronavirus questions - Boosting-Immunity


We’re in lockdown. As a nation we’re doing everything we can to slow down the spread of COVID-19. Understandably, there seems to be coronavirus questions coming in thick and fast, over the last few weeks. The thing is, we need to focus on science not fear. Coronavirus is a new mutation of a virus, which is spreading around the world, and for over 80% of people symptoms are mild and include a fever, mild cough and flu-like symptoms.

Can you protect your immune system? ABSOLUTELY! Washing your hands and social distancing is key as a preventative measure. We can also enhance your immunity. Now more than ever, we need to get back to basics of what a wholefood and immune boosting diet & lifestyle looks like. In my opinion, we need to be prioritising sleep and eating good quality food, not hoarding toilet paper. Here’s some do-able and simple immune tips for you and/or your kids!

If you want to do a deep dive into your immune response, viruses 101 and the top nutritional foods for immunity, you can access our free immune supportive webinar here

Simple Immune Boosting Tips:

  1. Eat a nutrient-dense diet full of veggies, every single day!
    Aim for 6 cups/handfuls of veggies per day as they’re high in antioxidants and Vitamin C for general respiratory immune support.

My favourite vitamin C rich foods are:

2. Reduce processed and sugary foods
Sugar can suppress your white blood cells, which are your immune ‘soldiers’ that tackle infections

3. Prioritise your sleep (aim for 8 hours each night)

- Lack of sleep or disrupted sleep suppresses immune cells. For example, one night of 5 hours sleep has been shown to halve your natural killer cells; these are your white blood cells that are your first line of defence for attacking and killing viruses. Don’t worry - your immune system can correct itself quickly when you rest and sleep. I get it - I’m a Mum and have a one-year old, I get disrupted sleep, so prioritise it where you can!

4. Take a Vitamin D supplement or get your Vitamin D levels checked (through a GP or Naturopath)
Vitamin D the ‘sunshine vitamin’ can protect us from some respiratory infections like the flu. It has strong antiviral and anti-microbial properties and helps modulate your immune function

  • With 80% of Australians having low or deficient levels of Vitamin D, it’s time to get your levels checked and correct any imbalance by supplementation

  • Most people will need 3,000 - 5,000 IU per day of Vitamin D supplementation for optimal immune health

5. Practice healthy hygiene
Wash your hands and use a natural hand sanitiser.

-I often make my own natural and cost-effective hand sanitiser: 1/2 cup aloe vera gel with 20 drops doTERRA On Guard essential oil; use as needed! Read more about essential oils here

6. Herbs, glorious herbs!

- If your immune compromised or you want to up the ante, you can take antiviral and immune supportive herbs such as Andrographis, Echinacea and Mushrooms
- Research shows these herbs stimulate the body’s immune system by increasing phagocytic activity (these are the cells that ‘gobble up’ toxins, bacteria and dying cells)

I can either make you up a personalised herbal medicine tonic or hook you up with my favourite supplements - AndroNK, Mushroom complex or Zinc and Vitamin C, depending on your current health history and goals
NB: please talk to a herbalist or naturopath (me( before self prescribing as these herbs are stimulating and you may need different herbs or a different dose depending on your body

7. Stay calm

- Stress suppresses immune function, so practicing healthy stress management techniques like exercise, walking, breathing, etc. can be very useful to give your cortisol; stress hormone a break!

If you want to chat to me or you want help, I’m here. I offer 1:1 immune consultations, which we can do over the phone/online or in-clinic at Lane Cove. I’ll then put together a personalised natural health plan for you (and/or your family), which includes nutritional recommendations + recipes, immune tips and testing or supplements, if needed.


I am a Naturopath and Nutritionist based in Lane Cove on Sydney's North Shore. I offer in person and online consultations so I can work with you from anywhere in the world! My mission is to help you restore vibrant health. I keep it simple! There’s no calorie counting, deprivation or fads. I draw on scientific research and clinical experience to give you personalised recommendations including practical nutritional recommendations, which includes 7-day meal ideas, recipes and shopping lists, and easy-to-apply lifestyle

Olivia McFadyen