Dry Skin Brushing Benefits


Dry skin brushing is an old-school detoxification technique that is incredibly effective for supporting detoxification, stimulating your lymphatic system and promoting circulation.

The lymphatic system is part of the immune system - it carries lymph (a fluid) around the body, which filters through the lymph nodes. The lymph transports white blood cells to help with inflammation and infections.

The thing is, your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump and it can get congested (through toxins, heavy metals, blockages including scars, etc.), and it needs to be stimulated - exercise is a great way to do this, as is dry skin brushing!

Dry skin brushing directly stimulates your lymphatic system and can help with stagnation, cellulite, acne and dry skin, whilst also promoting energy, healthy immunity and detoxification!

It’s best to practice dry skin brushing in the morning before having a shower. Start at your feet and using a natural dry skin brush, work is small, circular motions, from you feet, towards your heart. Then brush your stomach in a circular clockwise motion. With your arms, work from your hand along you arm, towards your heart. After skin brushing, have a shower.

Be sure to avoid sensitive areas, sunburn, wounds and anywhere that could cause aggravation

Olivia McFadyen