Gut Healing Protocol: The Four R's


According the Gut Foundation Australia, 50% of Aussie’s experience digestive complaints every year. That includes IBS, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux and food sensitivities.

It might be common to have digestive issues but it’s NOT normal. There’s a difference.

More than 2000 years ago Hippocrates famously said, “All disease starts in the gut”. And here’s the other thing; all health begins in the gut, too. Although your gut microbiome is established by the age of three, we can change how your microbiome behaves and interacts with other body systems through nutrition and lifestyle.

Let me walk you through a simple naturopathic approach to healing your gut. It’ll help reduce inflammation and repair intestinal lining, support a diverse gut microbiome and improve absorption and elimination. This protocol can reduce & manage digestive symptoms as well as address the cause(s).


1. REDUCE/REMOVE irritants and foods that exacerbate and disrupt intestinal lining and gut bugs, such as parasites, candida and food intolerances

  • Ask your GP for a free stool test to screen for parasites

  • Start by reducing foods that typically drive inflammation to the gut and typical intolerances, including wheat, soy and lactose

  • Reduce processed sugar as it disrupts gut microbiome

2. REPLACE common deficiencies and factors that compromise digestion

  • Digestive enzymes help the body breakdown macronutrients including fats, carbohydrates and proteins. They can ease digestive issues including bloating and discomfort. Take 1-2 enzymes before each main meal

  • Support healthy stomach acid to aid digestion. Some bacteria, such as H. pylori can suppress stomach acid, which further drives digestive issues

  • Increase bitter foods as they stimulate saliva production and stomach acid production

    • Saliva production supports an enzyme, amylase, which helps to breakdown carbohydrates

    • Bitter foods support a hormone, gastrin, which stimulates stomach acid production. This also supports production of bile, which digests and breakdowns fats

    • Bitter foods include apple cider vinegar, rocket, kale, ginger, artichoke, dandelion greens and herbs like mint and dill

3. REPAIR the gut lining

  • Increase foods that repair gut lining including bone broth, resistant starch & brassica family vegetables

  • May benefit from key nutritional supplements including Glutamine and zinc


  • Promote a thriving and diverse gut microbiome with prebiotics, such as FOS, and probiotics, such as bifidobacterium, LGG & SB.

  • Improve microbiome composition, function of healthy gut flora and gut barrier integrity by choosing a probiotic that suits YOU. Different probiotics perform different jobs

  • Aim for a probiotic with at least 10-20 billion CFU per day


Are you keen for more Gut Healing information, or more nitty gritty details? Check out the different webinars, programs and consultations that will best suit you.

  1. Free Gut Microbiome Webinar


Attend our free online Gut Webinar on 27th August at 8pm. You’ll also receive a free stool chart, fibre calculator, meal planner and diet diary, to help you ‘RESET’ your digestion. Register here.

2. The Gut Club


You’re personally invited to The Gut Club; a custom designed 4 week program to help you better understand the functioning and behaviour of your digestive system, optimise absorption and elimination, and help you thrive.

It includes the most comprehensive gut microbiome test, detailed report of findings, 2X 1:! naturopathy consultations, 4-week education tutorials, workbook, private FB group and more. Register here.

Registration closes on 28th August 2019. The Gut Club starts on the 9th September so be quick

3. Naturopathy & Nutrition Consultation

Book in for an initial consultation with Olivia, in-person in Lane Cove or online via zoom. Either way, you’ll be supported!

For best results and a personalised approach, please contact Olivia to book in an initial consultation here

Please note: The protocol is for education only. It’s not for diagnostic or treatment purposes.

Olivia McFadyen, based in Lane Cove on Sydney's North Shore, is a Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Herbalist and Homoeopath and doTERRA Wellness Advocate (aka essential oil lover). Olivia also offers online consultations so she can work with you from anywhere in the world! Olivia is your girl-next-door Naturopath; there's no calorie counting, deprivation or fad, just practical nutritional recommendations, which includes 7-day meal templates, meal ideas, recipes and shopping lists, and easy-to-apply lifestyle recommendations. She services her patients by offering in-clinic and online consultations and corporate workshops. Olivia also loves collaborating with fellow health enthusiasts; she offers essential oil workshops, that take place in the clinic in Lane Cove , or in the comfort of your own home, with your loved ones. She looks forward to connecting with you.