Health Hacks for the Silly Season


It’s not just the time of year when we tend to be tired, overeat and overdrink - it’s also can be a time of complete and utter joy. And that includes joy in eating and drinking, which is why I’ll NEVER tell someone they have to skip the plum pudding or the pav on Christmas Day (how lame would that be?!)

I’m all about helping you make small subtle shifts this time of year, which help you FEEL and LIVE your best!

Here’s my top three health hacks for the silly season!

In a nutshell:

1. Stay hydrated - work out how much water YOU need to drink for nourishment. Water is the most important nutrient, aids digestion, supports detoxification, promotes metabolic health and helps with immunity.

The formula of 33 x your weight in kilos = total mls to aim to drink per day.
Plus you’ll need an additional 500-700ml per hour of exercise 🏃‍♀️

Lots more info on the role of water in your health here

2. Practice a gentle time restricted eating window - a gentle 12-hour fast overnight, works for most people (this means no food just water /herbal tea in the fast) gives your digestive system a break and helps regulate insulin levels. It’s not just about what you eat but also WHEN you eat.

3. Protein - it’s easy to overdo carbs this time of year so make room for protein on your plate.

Have protein with every meal and snack. It supports energy levels, mood, blood sugar levels and metabolic health

Olivia McFadyen