Healthy Store-Bought Snacks


Snackity-Snacks 🍿

I've been sharing some pictures lately of what goes in my son's lunchbox. Yep, sometimes there's store-bought snacks in there. There's zero shame about sending him off to school with store-bought goodies some days #keepingitreal

BUT I'm a bit of a snob about finding high quality snacks - if he's eating them, I want them to be good ones! I go for mostly wholefoods with minimal or zero additives, refined sugar and sodium.

4 Tips to Picking Healthy Packaged Snacks:

1️⃣ Minimal ingredients - read the ingredient list and remember it's in order of most used to least used. Most wholefood options have only a handful of ingredients, because it's realfood!

2️⃣ Low sugar - opt for a low sugar option by checking the sugar amounts - aim for less than 15 grams of sugar per 100 grams for any packaged food/snack

3️⃣ Low sodium (salt) - Aim for less than 300 mg per 100 grams

4️⃣ Reduce/remove additives - avoid preservatives, sweeteners and colours - if you see numbers on the back of a packet or ingredients you can’t pronounce, put it back on the shelf!

Here’s a selection of the ones we often have in our pantry for those chaotic mornings when store-bought options in the lunchbox are a must!

Nutritionist and Naturopathy Approved - Olivia McFadyen
Olivia McFadyen