Homemade Coconut Yoghurt Recipe


Coconut yoghurt is one of the easiest fermented foods to make at home, and this recipe requires no yoghurt starter or special yoghurt machine (woohoo) and unlike store-bought coconut yoghurts, this has no added sugar, preservatives or thickening agents.

Plus it’s plant-based and dairy-free, so a good option for those limiting dairy or with dairy intolerances/allergies.

Yoghurt (cow, sheep’s, goat’s or coconut) is a fermented food; meaning it’s packed with natural probiotics, to support your whole gut microbiome.

Fermented foods aid digestion, enhance immunity, promote metabolic health, and can lower blood sugar levels and promote healthy insulin levels!

Learn more about fermented foods here and if you’re keen to join our next round of Sourdough and Fermenting course, click here!

Homemade Coconut Yoghurt Recipe


2 cans organic coconut milk

4 probiotic capsules

Optional (but recommended to keep your yoghurt nice and thick) - 2 tablespoons organic store-bought coconut yoghurt


  1. Open your coconut milk cans and carefully scoop out the solid cream on top, and add it to a bowl

  2. Open up the probiotic capsules and add to the bowl

  3. If using coconut yoghurt, add it to the bowl

  4. Using a clean wooden spoon mix all ingredients until combined and there’s no lumps

  5. Put ingredients into a glass jar with a breathable material on top as a lid - I use a chux and secure it with a plastic band

  6. Leave it to ferment for 24-48 hours. You can leave it on the bench.

  7. Have a taste - it should taste a little tangy with a sweetness to it. You can then screw the lid on and pop it in the fridge

  8. Eat within 4-5 days of making

*Use good-quality broad spectrum probiotics that have at least 4-5+ strains of probiotics.

NB: You don’t need to add in the little bit of store bought coconut yoghurt but I find this helps keep it thick. If you don’t have it, just omit.

For vanilla coconut yoghurt stir through a teaspoon of vanilla bean paste once it’s fermented!

Olivia McFadyen