How much iodine do you need?


If you missed my last post on Iodine & why you need this mineral, check it out in my previous blog post. It covers all the basics, before we get into the nitty gritty.


So go forth, and enjoy iodine-rich foods!

Like all things when it comes to health, don’t overdo it - too much dietary iodine is not a good thing. Try not to exceed 500 mcg of iodine per day, unless recommended by your practitioner or medical expert.

If you’re wondering what your iodine levels are, or you want specific nutritional advice to suit you, please feel free to connect with me or book in for a personalised 1:1 naturopathy and nutrition consultation and we can get your iodine level tested easily at a lab near you for approximately $40.

Olivia McFadyen