Iodine & Why you need this mineral for energy, thyroid and metabolism


In the last 24 hours, I’ve reviewed test results for four patients, and three of them have a severe or moderate iodine deficiency.

So why does this matter - is iodine that important?

Iodine is a key mineral needed for healthy thyroid function & the production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4). Iodine plays a key role in regulating energy, metabolis, cellular function and so much more!

Iodine is essential for pregnancy and lactation, as it’s needed healthy brain and central nervous system development in utero, and is in breastmilk.

Your need for iodine during pregnancy increases by 50% when pregnant and nearly 100% when breastfeeding

Are you iodine deficient?

Iodine deficiency can contribute to fatigue, energy swings, thinning hair and hair loss, weight gain, constipation, brain fog, and immune dysfunction. A severe iodine deficiency may be visible with a goitre or enlarged thyroid gland.

Food sources of iodine

You can get iodine from foods, including:

  • Seaweed - nori, dulse and kelp

    You can sprinkle dulse flakes or nori on foods like salads, rice, casseroles and soups

  • Seafood - oysters and wild caught fish

  • Organic or free-range eggs

  • Good quality dairy - unsweetened, full-fat yoghurt and kefir

How much iodine is in my food

Testing your iodine levels

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), iodine deficiency is when the median urinary iodine concentration (UIC) is less than 100 ug/L .

For pregnant women, WHO recommends a median iodine excretion of over 150 ug/L.

It's best to test, not guess!

As a Naturopath and Nutritionist I can refer you to get your iodine levels tested easily through labs such as Nutripath or Laverty Pathology. You can book in your consultation with me via the website and we can tee it up!

Olivia McFadyen