Vitamin D and COVID-19


Big news in my world…I've just finished breastfeeding the twins! They’re 13 months now and they love their food!I must say, when you've got a baby on each boob and they pull off to laugh at each other, you kind of feel like the third wheel.

I've spent nearly 7 out of the last 8 years being pregnant or breastfeeding and I feel a little physically depleted. Even though I'm a Naturopath I looked at myself the other day through a practitioner's eye and thought, "girl, where do we even start?"

I made a promise to myself to practice what I preach - test, don't guess. A full blood test is the best starting point, always. It’s one of the quickest (and cheapest) ways to get a snapshot of potential deficiencies or imbalances and have a targeted approach. There’s no point taking changing your diet or taking supplements willy-nilly without a big piece of the puzzle 🧩

Vitamin D testing is a must, especially right now. We’ve just been through winter and a nearly 3-month lockdown due to COVID. Why aren't we talking about the relationship between Vitamin D and COVID-19?

Vitamin D is an immune supportive vitamin and has amazing anti-viral properties. It’s also needed for metabolic health, healthy hormones and mood!

There's a clear correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of COVID-19 infection.

Vitamin D can regulate the immune system, modulate inflammation and reduce cytokine production.

We should be routinely checking Vitamin D levels! If there’s ever been a time to be curious about your own health and how to support your own nutrient levels and immune system, it should be now.

I encourage you to double down on your health - start with foundational testing - a full blood test and Vitamin D levels. You can also start prioritising getting out into the sunshine for 10-15 minutes a day (your skin can manufacture Vitamin D when it's exposed to the sunshine), and eating more Vitamin D rich foods, like egg yolks, oily fish and mushrooms.

Then work with apractitionerr to ensure your Vitamin D levels are optimal, and if you have low/deficient levels you can address the imbalance so you can thrive!

Olivia McFadyen