Pimp Your Water


You’ve heard it all before, right... water is important for health! Why? Because it’s THE most important nutrient! You can read all about that here and here. We get so focussed on what we’re eating, thinking (meditation and breathing exercises) and moving our bodies we can easily forget the key pillar of health - WATER!

Remember, it’s not about guzzling litres and litres of water each day. In fact, I don’t recommend this. Drinking too much water can throw out your body’s absorption of key electrolytes. You’re best to work out exactly how much YOU need to drink based on your body (I use this formula for most patients - 33mls x your weight in kilos gives you a guide as to your total hydration goal per day). This can include herbal tea, sparkling water, filtered water and even bone broth, as well as veggies that are over 90% water content like tomatoes, celery, cucumber and lettuce!

I’m a big fan of pimping my water or making iced tea for the kiddies (I use green tea, peppermint tea or a fruit tea). My fave additions to ice and filtered water is mint or basil with lemon, lime or strawberries. It’s like a fancy mocktail!

Water - Olivia McFadyen


  • 10 ice cubes

  • 1 L of filtered water

  • 1 handful of fresh mint leaves, crushed in hands

  • 1 lime, halved and squeezed

  • optional - 3 strawberries to serve


  1. Add all ingredients together and serve!


Olivia McFadyen