Homemade Sushi Rolls

Homemade Sushi - Olivia McFadyen

Every so often I set up a ‘sushi station’ at home. I’m not gonna lie… the floor gets absolutely covered in sticky rice but the kids and I love making our own sushi. There’s no cooking required. Very little prep and thought in advance. It really is surprisingly easy and is perfect for lunchboxes. And the best part….anything goes for the filling - avo, cucumber, chicken, prawns - whatever is in the fridge!

Not only that but the Japanese diet is one of the healthiest in the world. The Japanese have the highest life expectancy of the world - women are expected to live to nearly 90 years of age! They love their nutrient-dense veggies, seafood and oily fish, broths and miso soup, fibrous rice and gut-loving fermented foods - tamari, soy sauce, tofu, tempeh, miso, etc.

Serves 4

Prep time: 5-10 minutes


  • 4 nori sheets (you can get from your supermarket)

  • 1 cucumber sliced and/or avocado

  • Protein of choice - leftover roast chicken, tinned tuna, prawns, tofu, etc.

  • 2 C leftover or freshly cooked rice - you can use any rice - brown, white, basmati. Once it’s cooked add in 1/4 cup of rice wine vinegar (if you don’t have it you can use white wine vinegar) to create that sticky vinegar tasting sushi rice that we all love so much!

  • soy sauce for serving

    NB: In this picture I used turmeric rice - I stir in 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder into the rice as it’s cooking.


  • Place the seaweed flat on a bamboo mat or table then cover the sheet of seaweed with an even layer of prepared sushi rice. Smooth the rice gently with the back of a spoon.

  • Important - keep a few cms free of rice at the end of the nori sheet

  • Layer your filling - chicken and cucumber/avo on the rice

  • Tightly roll it up and as you get to the end of the nori sheet where there’s no rice - put a dash of water on it and finish rolling it up

  • Slice it with a sharp knife and enjoy!

A wholefood family recipe - no gluten, dairy, sugar or preservatives!

Olivia McFadyen