Detox Soup (aka Green Curry Lentil Soup)

Detox soup - Olivia McFadyen

This detox soup is a green curry lentil soup that is so nourishing! It’s perfect when you’ve recently been in holiday mode & overindulging or you feel like your insides needs a little cleanse and to your digestive system needs a bit of a break!

Plus, one serve of soup is over 4 serves of veggies, which is a big tick, not to mention you get the perfect combo of fat and protein to keep you feeling satiated and regulate those blood sugar levels!


2 Spanish onions
2 zucchini’s
1 butternut pumpkin (leave skin on - just wash it)
2 carrots
4 garlic cloves
Big knob of ginger
1 large green chilli (I keep the seeds for a chilli hit)
100mls coconut cream
2 tins lentils, drained
900mL bone broth/water (a little more for a thinner soup)


1. Finely slice onion and garlic and add them to a saucepan with a splash of olive oil and cook until they caramelise (a good 5 mins)
2. Finely slice zucchini, ginger and chilli and add to the pan, then cook for a further few minutes until fragrant
3. Cut pumpkin and carrots in biggish cubes and add them to the saucepan
4. Pour in bone broth/stock (or water with 1 tsp Himalayan salt)
5. Leave it to simmer for 30 mins (you might need to top up with a touch more broth/stock/water especially if you don’t want a thicker chunkier soup)
6. Add in coconut cream and blitz in a food processor until really smooth
7. Add in lentils and serve with extra coconut cream, coriander (or for those anti-coriander peeps go with parsley)

Olivia McFadyen