Signs that your baby is ready for food


Most parents will agree that the topic of when to introduce solids to your baby and then what on earth to feed them, is kind of confusing and overwhelming, right?! 😏

The number one thing to consider is that current guidelines recommend we introduce solids at 6 months of age.

However, all babies are different! I've introduced solids to my kids at different ages because they have different needs and have shown different signs that they're ready, so to speak.

I offered solids to Jack at 6 months and he honestly didn't eat 1-2 meals a day until he was about 9 months of age. He was a total milk monster and was disinterested in food 🤷‍♀️ On the other hand, Zara was offered food at 5 and a half months and by 7 months she was having 2 meals a day and often a snack!

Listen to your bub and your gut about when he/she is ready! ☺️Here's a few signs that your baby may be ready for solids, below…

Olivia McFadyen - Naturopath