What Are Essential Oils?


If you’re thinking that essential oils are a new trend that’s for tie dye wearing hipsters, then think again. They’re not a new thing. They’ve been around for thousands and thousands of years.  Essential oils are documented in our history, even the bible references Frankincense, the holy oil, numerous times.

As a society, we’re becoming sicker and sicker. 

50% of Australian’s have at least one chronic disease, such as diabetes, arthritis and mental health conditions and over 64% of Australian’s are now overweight or obese.

By adding essential oils into your tool kit, you’re empowering yourself, your children/family and home, to use plant-based medicine, which is natural, safe and effective. Essential oils are highly volatile compounds, produced naturally by plants.

Essential oils act as the army for plants; their job is to fight threats, infection and inflammation, like warding off pests and fighting disease. Similarly, they can support us, as human beings. doTERRA essential oils pack a punch.

1 drop of Peppermint essential oil = 28 cups of peppermint tea! 

You can imagine how quickly a drop of Peppermint tea in a glass of water or applied topically, can soothe an irritated or bloated tummy, right?!

These oils are incredibly useful and versatile for managing the daily grind, high stress, anxiety, poor sleep and a busy lifestyle. How do they do this, you ask? Let me get my science nerd on and walk you through it. When you breathe in an essential oil, it hits the amygdala in the brain, in 22 seconds. The amygdala is known as the emotional control centre; it governs emotions, regulates hormones, memory, regulates blood pressure etc. So, breathing in an oil like Lavender can calm the farm and help manage stress levels, in less than half a minute. Amazing, right?! Furthermore, essential oils can ease bloating and discomfort, aid digestion, support a healthy immune system and support healthy hormones.

How Essential Oils Support You:

  • lift your mood

  • calm and ground you

  • support healthy metabolism

  • support focus

  • provide potent antioxidants

  • support healthy hormones

  • aid digestion

  • support aches and pains

  • support respiratory health and winter wellness

  • support cleansing and detoxification

  • easily be used to switch to DIY low toxicity products. To get your free copy of a ‘Healthy Home’ ebook, pop your email in below:


Get Your Free ‘Healthy Home’ ebook.


Pick the best starter kit to suit your health needs and goals:

  • Sleep issues – for issues falling asleep and staying asleep: Lavender Peace (aka ‘Restful Blend’, which includes an essential oil called Vetiver, often called ‘Nature’s Tranquilliser), Lavender and Frankincense

  • Digestive complaints - bring calm to the digestive system: Digestzen and Peppermint

  • Low energy - Lemon and Peppermint

  • Feeling overwhelmed and highly stressed: Citrus Bliss, Lavender Peace, Frankincense, Easy Air and Lavender

  • Hormones out of whack - Frankincense and Lavender

  • Skin blemishes and cuts - (amazing oil for regulating sebum is Lemongrass, in Home Essentials Kit), plus Lavender, Frankincense and Tea Tree

  • Breathing congestion - Easy Air, Frankincense and Peppermint

  • Winter wellness - preventative and during an acute phase - On Guard and Peppermint

  • Head tension- Lavender, Peppermint, Ice Blue and Aroma Touch

  • Aches and pains - including muscular pains like sore neck/back or stiffness: Ice Blue, Aroma Touch and Frankincense

  • 'Brain Fog' and poor memory - Frankincense, Lemon and Peppermint

  • Cleaning agent for the house - including mopping the floors and cleaning benches: Mix 10 drops each; lemon, tea tree and on guard in a 200ml water spray bottle

  • Purifying and cleaning the air: Purify and Lemongrass


Where to from here? 

Order your starter kit based on your health needs, goals and budget.

The most popular kit is the Home Essentials Kit and the best value kit is the Nature’s Solution Kit.

  • The Home Essentials Kit has the top10 key oils including Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Easy Air, OnGuard, Tea Tree, Ice Blue and Oregano.

  • These 10 oils have you covered on all bases; they cover every body system, including gastrointestinal, immune, nervous, endocrine, skin, muscular, skeletal, lymphatic and reproductive. ANY symptom you experience will have an oil that can support you and help support healing. Plus, you get a diffuser so you can get started using your oils IMMEDIATELY!

The only thing you may want to add to this order is a bottle of Fractionated Coconut oil ($16.50), so you can get started applying these oils topically!

  • The Nature’s Solution Kit includes the 10 key oils in the Home Essentials Kit PLUS an additional 8 oils for natural mood management and to support hormones, plus the most popular low-toxicity products so you’re supporting your WHOLE health!

  • When you’re ready to overhaul the whole you - physical, emotional and environmental, and up-level your health, this is the best value kit.

  • It’s got you covered with additional oils for mood management (sleeping, stress, feeling overwhelmed etc.) and hormone supportive oils, as well as cleaning products and bathroom products, such as natural toothpaste, hand wash, etc.

  • Plus doTERRA gift you 100 PV (=$130) of free oils/products the following month after you get your kit and put through a LRP order of 100PV.


Remember, when you get started with your essential oils, you don’t just get your bottles of plant medicine, you also get ME and my team of crazy oil ladies (and a few dudes). You’ll get a free 30-minute wellness consultation with me within a few weeks of your oils arrive to ensure you’re using them safely and confidently. You’ll also receive free ebooks, videos, ongoing training, workshops and access to all our community groups including Facebook. 

If you want to pick my brain or have a chat, to make sure you’re picking the best oils for you and your health, send me an email and we can tee up a time to chat.

Bronte Jones