What is Homeopathy?


Homeopathy is not new, in fact, it’s the second largest form of medicine in the world.

It’s been used for over 200 years to treat a number of diseases and imbalances. The word homeopathy means 'like suffering'.

Did you know that Australia had homeopathic hospitals scattered all over the country in the early 1900s?!

The first homeopathic hospital was The Melbourne Homeopathic Hospital established in 1876 (later named as Prince Henry’s Hospital). Then homeopathic hospitals were throughout Australia, including Sydney, Adelaide Hobart and other cities.

These hospitals were thriving and operated successfully for over 60 years until the orthodox medical establishments were established and there was an opposition against natural, simple and affordable medicine.

What is homeopathy?

The basic principle of homeopathic treatment is that symptoms a person experiences can be treated by a substance that would cause the same symptoms if given to a healthy person. This is based on the ‘Law of Similars’ or ‘like cures like’.

Essentially, by giving a substance in a diluted amount it can trigger the body's innate healing, known as The Vital Force, so the body can heal. This is a number of vaccines and medicines work.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared in a specific way by a potentising involving dilution and succussion (shaking hard), which creates remedies that are safe and non-toxic. They are safe for all ages and have no contraindications with other medicines or supplements. The homeopathic prescription, potency and dose varies depending on the whole individuals picture.

Selecting the best remedy for different ailments and conditions is covered in detail with my homeopathic kits, as all kits include a book for the home prescriber (and if you’re not a fan of old school books, you can get an eBook version, too), this way you’ll know which remedy to pick, the dose and frequency to get results.

An example of using medicine based on 'laws of similars' or 'like cures like', would be coffee. Coffea cruda is made from coffee beans and it is an effective remedy used to relieve an overactive mind & mind-chatter, and insomnia. Think of how coffee winds you up - the same substance in a diluted amount, can unwind you.

“If a substance is capable of causing, it is capable of curing”

Another example is a homeopathic remedy called Allium cepa, made from onions. What happens when you cut an onion? You get hayfever-like symptoms - watery eyes, runny nose,etc. When you take this remedy it can relieve hayfever symptoms.

What does the science say?

Most of us have heard of Arnica - it’s become widely available in chemists, health food stores and even some first aid kits. Did you know Arnica is amazing for soft tissue injuries, bruising, trauma, shock, swelling and to speed up recovery - any bump, cut, graze, injury, swelling and pain may benefit from Arnica!

Arnica is referred to (time and time again) in medical literature and peer-reviewed medical journals because it's been proven to be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (but without side effects and the cost!). You can read about the studies and data here.

Anyone that has chronic disease, inflammation, and swelling, as well as for general first aid purposes (hello Mumma Bears), needs to know about all their options (including Arnica).

You can take 1-2 drops of Arnica homeopathic (either straight on the tongue or added to a bottle of water), every 30 minutes after an injury/trauma, until symptoms start to ease. You can take Arnica up to 3-4 times a day. You can also take Arnica before and post surgery, such as dental work, C-section and other operations. For example, you can take Arnica 3 days before surgery (1-2 doses per day), and continue taking it for up to 1-2 weeks after surgery (1-2 doses per day), to support pain and recovery.

Arnica is included in the Family Homeopathic Kit, which you can read about and order here.

What this shows us is that when a healthy person is given a substance, it can in fact cause dis-ease. However, when an unhealthy person is given a substance, it can also trigger the body to heal and rebalance, finding homeostasis.

Celebrities who love homeopathy

And to finish off, let me share with you a random (but interesting fact)… Prince Charles, the Queen, Usain Bolt and David Beckham all have something in common…a huge love and practice of homeopathy, of course!

How to use homeopathy in your home?

  1. Homeopathic first aid kit - I deeply believe that every single home should have a homeopathic first aid kit in the medicine cabinet.

    The homeopathic first aid kits I offer include 18 remedies to support acute issues, including:

    • Anxiety and restlessness

    • Gastro, nausea, bloating

    • Food poisoning

    • Coughs and colds/flu

    • Conjunctivitis

    • Earache and ear infection

    • Headaches

    • Join pain

    • Mastitis

    • Teething

    • Sleeping issues

    • Worms

      and more!

    When you order a kit, you’ll also receive an eBook, tutorial and mini homeopathic consultaiton with me, so you’re confident using your remedies.

    Homeopathic kit info here

2. If you have a chronic health issue or ongoing niggling health complaint, a 1:1 homeopathy consultation will be more suitable, including anxiety, depression, hormone imbalances, preconception and pregnancy support, fertility, migraines, autoimmune issues, thyroid dysfunction, weight management/gain issues, acne, etc.

At the end of a 1:1 homeopathic consultation (via Telehealth or in-person) you are emailed a prescription with your homeopathic remedy, as well as nutritional + lifestyle medicine recommendations to support your health.

Book a homeopathy consultation here

I also offer two more kits:

Please note these kits are only available after a homeopathic consultation (as it’s an industry requirement that remedies are used alongside a consultation):

  • Pregnancy and birthing kits, which includes 8 remedies, priced at $139, for example it includes:

    • Ipecac - one of the top remedies for morning sickness, especially when you have all-day sickness and often don’t feel any relief after vomiting. May vomit food, mucous or even blood.

    • Arnica - for soft tissue damage including bruises and cuts. Take from 38 weeks pregnancy and for 2 weeks postpartum to support any tissues and inflammation

    • Hypericum - for any nerve damage and tearing/cutting and sever pain. Useful post surgery

    • Caulophyllum - known as the ‘womb tonic’. Best to take every 1-2 hours of labour, specifically for weak contractions, thick and closed cervix and exhaustion

  • Fertility kits includes 8 remedies - 5 for women and 3 for men, for example:

    • Sepia - useful for resotring a opredicaqtbale menstrual cycle. Often there’s a history of short/unpredictable cycles, dry vagina, and a feeling of disconnection or differnece from self, partner and others

    • Folliculinum - useful for regulating a cycle and imporving cervial mucous. Indicated for those with PCOS, unpredicatable cycles and those that have been on the oral contraceptive pill

      • Best taken cycle (approx. day 14 of your cycle) to stimulate ovulation

These two kits are made to order, so please email Olivia for details