Coeliac disease... Meet Frankie


Here’s a story about Frankie…

Ten months ago I started working with Yasmin and her daughter, Frankie.

Frankie is a 3 year old girl, diagnosed with coeliac disease. Frankie’s coeliac antibody results were 4,403. Now, they should be under 20 for a healthy non-coeliac person. The specialist told Yasmin it would take YEARS to get Frankie's antibodies down to a healthy level.

Fast forward ten months and Frankie's coeliac antibodies are 21. Yep, that's 21! 👏

The proof is in the pudding - you CAN reduce antibodies, you CAN create immune resilience and you CAN thrive with coeliac (and other autoimmune disease)

Not only has Frankie's mood, behaviour and digestion improved, but her physical health is THRIVING.

Oh and Frankie's nutritional status has greatly improved in those ten months - her Vitamin D level has doubled and her iron markers have all improved!

What does this tell us?
🌻You are not your disease. You are not a label.
🌻You can have an abundant and thriving life WITH a disease or health condition.
🌻Surround yourself with like-minded health practitioners. People that hear you, and create a plan that can nourish your body back to a state of health.
🌻Frankie's mum and family are absolute legends - they saw NO other option but to get Frankie in the best health possible!

If you’ve got digestive issues, suspected coeliac disease or diagnosed coeliac disease, you can find ways to address your symptoms and nourish your body. I offer 1:1 naturopathic consultations over zoom/Telehealth or in clinic

Olivia McFadyen