Anti-Parasitic Protocol for Worms


WORMS, the most common parasite in kids!

Is there anything more confronting & gross than spotting those little critters in your kid’s poo?! 🤢

We really want to avoid reinfection when it comes to worms, which unfortunately can be more common for girls than boys, as the worms can migrate from the anus to the vagina quite easily. When you think about it, the vagina and anus are only a few mm apart for little ones so reoccurance can be common and incredibly frustrating and problematic.

Chronic worms suppress the immune system and can drive immune dysfunction and health issues, such as chronic UTIs, vaginitis, weight loss, etc, which is why an integrative approach is such an effective option.


Signs and symptoms of worms:

  • Bottom scratching

  • Change in appetite

  • Irritability

  • Waking at night, nightmares and sleeping issues

  • Seeing them in the poo

    • Best to teach your kids to always look at their poo and to tell you if they see anything unusual. My kids are familiar with the poo chart (the idea of identifying your poo type and toilet humour always makes them laugh!) You can see and print out the Bristol Stool Chart here. You could even stick the chart in the bathroom!


Diagnosing worms:

You may see small, white thread-like worms in a child/adult stool or on toilet paper, or you can see them in undies/PJs a few hours after a child has gone to sleep.

Sometimes there are no visible worms and it’s looking at the person holisticially. Is there recurring thrush, mood swings, sleep issues… etc.?

Threadworms is often misdiagnosed. If women has has thrush and even menstrual irregularities, we often consider if they have (chronic) worms - research shows 30% of women think they have thrush, have threadworms.


Natural medicine protocol for an acute case of worms:

1️⃣ Cina * (homeopathic remedy) - 2 drops once a month as a preventative and 2 drops daily as worm management. Opt for the Fibonacci potencies (available through specific Homeopaths), which means you receive 10 potencies in one bottle, which makes the action deeper and faster.

👉Please note: Cina Fibonacci potencies is one of the key remedies included in my homeopathic first aid kits - you can order it here

2️⃣ Chondroitin - for chronic worms or recurring worms. Chondroitin supports basophils to help change the pH environment, which can reduce worm susceptibility. Dosage is age and case dependent (speak to a practitioner or book a consultation with me).

* depending on the symptoms, a different homeopathic remedy may be prescribed.

3️⃣ Herbal medicine - the potent chemical compounds in plants can perform numerous actions, including antiparasitic, antifungal and anthelmintic, making them very effective for worms! A personalised liquid formula tonic is often prescribed. One of my fave anti-parasitic herbs in Pomegranate (it’s especially useful if worms are recurring). Other herbals for worms: sweet wormwood, black walnut, nigella, etc.

Other nutritional and herbal benefits:
🍓 Prebiotic-rich foods to support a healthy gut microbiome – think of berries flaxseeds, oats, potatoes, etc,.
🥬 Immune supportive foods including veggies, sauerkraut, bone broth, fats
👉I prescribe these in safe & small doses using liquid herbs/tablets
👶Probiotics for worms is SB and LGG

Now, these steps are a good starting point for addressing worms naturally, but you/your family may need a more personalised approach. Please work with your practitioenr (or me!) if you’d like a more thorough, personalised approach.

Psst…Here’s a myth buster for you - worms DO NOT come from pets. Threadworms only live in humans, so there’s no need to worry about worming your pets.


  • The entire lifecycle of worms is 4-8 weeks. You get worms by unintentionally ingesting or inhaling worm eggs. Now this happens easily – eggs can survive on surfaces like bathroom sinks, baths or door handles or be on infected carpet/clothes or past on from humans), then they hatch in the small intestines and live in the colon. The female adult worms only come out at night to lay their eggs near the anus, which can cause itchiness or waking up during the night.

Other recommendations:

  • Wash all the linen, towels and clothes in hot water (I use 50 degrees)

  • Wash PJs and bed linen each day for several days

  • Remind child of the importance of hand washing with soap in hot water – eggs are adhesive and stick to fingers/nails, etc. and they can live anywhere, including hands, legs, nose etc.

  • Keep in mind that worming and following anti-parasitic protocol may be necessary for all people in the household (including pets)

Olivia McFadyen