Bushfire Donation


Our country is on fire. Australia’s bushfire crisis continues, and it’s heartbreaking. NSW and VIC are in a state of emergency. Bushfires have burned 15 million acres – more than twice the area that burned the Amazon rainforest a few months ago. We’ve now lost 500 million animals, including a third of all of Koalas that inhabited NSW. Tragically, lives are being lost, including rural firefighters, as they save our homes and lives.

We can help. Whether it’s volunteering in recovery efforts, writing letters to your local MP, donating, or other means. I’ve created an initiative as a way to raise money for our local firefighters. Next week from the 13th to 19th January, 100% of revenue for naturopathic and nutrition online consultations, will go to Milton rural firefighters. The RFS confirmed 449 homes had been destroyed on theSouth Coast since New Year's Eve. Friends and I holidayed in Milton last year, and this beautiful part of the South Coast has been absolutely devastated by the fire.

Help me raise money so that we can support this heroic team of volunteer firefighters, on the south coast. Volunteer firies aren’t paid, and sometimes go without meals and sleep, and even adequate firefighting equipment.

It costs money to fight fires and I’m desperate to help, like so many Aussies. For this reason, I have opened up 12 naturopathic and nutrition online consultations spots next week, which will raise $1,500 ($125 per consultation) that goes exactly where it needs to – the hands of our NSW rural firefighters. These consultations take place online, which means I can help you from all over the globe!

If you’ve been thinking about donating or have donated already but would like to give more, then I would love for you to help me reach my goal. To book a consultation just follow the link above (limited spots so first in, best dressed). I hope you can get behind me to support this contribution to help those in desperate need and fighting fires. If there’s someone you know would love to support this cause, please tag them in this message.

Bushfire donation - olivia mcfadyen

If you have any questions please do flick me an email here

I am a Naturopath and Nutritionist based in Lane Cove on Sydney's North Shore. I offer in person and online consultations so I can work with you from anywhere in the world! My mission is to help you restore vibrant health. I keep it simple! There’s no calorie counting, deprivation or fads. I draw on scientific research and clinical experience to give you personalised recommendations including practical nutritional recommendations, which includes 7-day meal ideas, recipes and shopping lists, and easy-to-apply lifestyle recommendations. I look forward to connecting with you!

Olivia McFadyen