Is 'Detox' Just A Sexy Word?


Hmmm. Yes and no.

I feel like as we’ve entered January the word ‘detox’ gets thrown around a lot, and it’s a bit of a buzz word in the sense that the science behind detoxification gets ‘lost’. As I scroll through social media, I’m seeing a silly amount of fads, detox plans, crappy nutritional advice and just rubbish, really. Here’s the thing... every cell in your body has the ability to detoxify (it’s not just about your liver or some short term crash diet).

Toxicity is all around us - it’s unavoidable. It’s in the air, water, soil and food. The good news is that you have the ability to enhance and support detoxication, which is the removal of wastes. Alternatively, you can add to the toxic burden through poor nutrition, processed foods, late nights, too much grog, medication/drugs, lack of movement, high stress, plastic and toxic cleaning products… etc.

Typically, this time of year people want a detox to ‘reset’ their health and enhance detoxification. There’s a healthy way to go about it and an unhealthy way.

To back it up a little…the liver is the big guns for detoxification. It detoxifies in three phases. This occurs through a number of chemical reactions where toxins are lipid soluble and stored in the liver, and then made water solvable so we can eliminate them via kidneys, bowels, skin etc. Here’s my top ways to enhance these natural detoxification pathways. My tips don’t involve fads, they’re little effort and they’ll cost you next to nothing. No fancy schmancy superfoods here!

5 Ways to Naturally Enhance Detoxification

1. What you eat matters

Focus on including three macro-nutrients at each meal:

  1. Carbs - Load up on veggies including potato! Also stick with high quality grains like quinoa, rice, buckwheat etc.

  2. Protein - such as nuts, seeds, eggs, seafood, oily fish, good quality dairy products like goats cheese or sheep’s cheese or animal protein 

  3. Fats - focusing on omega 3 fats such as walnuts, flaxseeds, olive oil, avocado and oily fish


2. When you eat matters

For most people, focusing on meals not snacks is a good start to help reduce insulin levels and support fat burning and/or healthy weight management. Your digestive system needs a break and by eating nutrient-dense a few times a day, it helps.

Most people experience clarity, improvements in energy and less sugar/carb cravings when they incorporate a gentle fasting period, aka restricted eating window.

Most people benefit from fasting for 12-hour period every 24 hours (some people can stretch this to 13-14 hours gradually and still feel great!) For example, a gentle fast means if you finish dinner by 7pm then you’re not eating or drinking anything (except for water) until 7am. Note: if you have specific health needs/conditions such as diabetes, hypoglycaemia, hormonal imbalances or you’re pregnant/breastfeeding, this approach may not be suited to you. Everyone is different.

3.    Hydrate

Aim for 2-3 L of water per day, as water carries minerals INTO your cells to nourish them and water carries wastes OUT of your cells! Your water intake may vary depending on your body requirements, movement, temperature etc.

Check your urine - it should be nearly clear. If it’s not, or if it’s pungent, there’s a good chance you need to drink more

4.    Sleep

Aim for 8 hours of good quality sleep each night. Try to ditch screen time before bed. Just 2 hours of screen time before bed can suppress melatonin (a key sleep hormone) by 37%!

5.    Dry Skin Brushing

Your skin is a major detox organ, so it makes sense to encourage the removal of dead skin cells and increase blood flow. Do it before you jump in the shower!

I am a Naturopath and Nutritionist based in Lane Cove on Sydney's North Shore. I offer in person and online consultations so I can work with you from anywhere in the world! My mission is to help you restore vibrant health. I keep it simple! There’s no calorie counting, deprivation or fads. I draw on scientific research and clinical experience to give you personalised recommendations including practical nutritional recommendations, which includes 7-day meal ideas, recipes and shopping lists, and easy-to-apply lifestyle recommendations. I look forward to connecting with you!

Olivia McFadyen