Why You Should Get A Yearly Blood Test


How are we already so far through the year?!

If you haven’t done a yearly blood test this year then do it now! Think of a blood test every 12 months as your annual health maintenance check-in and your body’s way of telling you how it is really going!

😴 Tired?
😖 Irritable or moody?
🍫 Sugar cravings?
🤨 Brain fog?
😬 Weight gain or inability to lose weight?
🤒 Recurring colds or flus?
😷 Hayfever or allergies?
💆‍♀️ Stressed?

If you have any of the above signs or symptoms, there’s a good chance you may have underlying nutritional deficiencies/low levels or imbalances, which can be easily detected with a blood test.

Or if you’ve been told your fine but you know something isn’t quite right, it can be worth starting with a full blood test.

Once the deficiencies/imbalances are identified we can usually address and correct deficiencies and imbalances (usually within a 3 month period), using food and supplements when necessary, so you can THRIVE.

What I love about a blood test is it saves the guesswork, saves you spending a lot of money on necessary supplements/food and saves the confusion around what you ‘should’ be doing. We get to create a really clear plan of attack to address any low levels/deficiencies/imbalances so you can thrive!

If you go to a bulk billing medical practice or GP, your yearly blood test is typically covered under Medicare. Alternatively, if you want to skip that step, you can connect with me, and I can provide you with a referral to a pathology lab for a test - the out-of-pocket expense is usually around $200-$300).

If you want a referral from me for a full blood test book your appointment here

A few things to remember:

  • For best results, please do a blood test in a fasted state. it’s ideal to do them when you’ve fasted for 10-12 hours before your test. (Water is fine during the fasting window). This is why most patients do their blood test first thing in the morning, before breakfast

  • Stop vigorous exercise for 24 hours before the test (as this can throw out your iron markers and inflammatory markers)

  • Stop all iron and multivitamin supplements 48 hours before a blood test