Miso Chicken Noodle Soup

Miso Noodle soup - Olivia McFadyen, Naturopath and Nutritionist

Who doesn’t love a noodle chicken soup with a good hit of ginger and/or chilli?! It’s just so nourishing - it gives your gut and immunity a big old hug, as if to say “girl, you’ve got this!”

It doesn’t get much simpler than this soup. You don’t even need to do a grocery shop, all you need is a few pantry staples and vegetables (frozen ones are totally fine!)

This soup is jam-packed with goodness, including:

  • Miso paste, a fermented food that supports a healthy and thriving gut microbiome and is a great natural source of salt, which is nature’s multi-mineral, needed to support insulin levels, hormonal health, blood pressure, immunity and so much more!

    NB: Get organic miso paste, as soy beans are one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world - in fact over 50% of soy bean crops are sprayed with a herbicide, Roundup, and we don’t want that in our soup or bodies!. I often get the ‘Spiral’ brand and ‘Ceres’ brand, available at most Coles/Woolies or a health food store

  • Green veggies (broccoli and bok choy!) because we all need some fibre lovin’ veggies, minerals and indole-3 carbinol, which I’ve spoken about here.

    Brassica veggies are your body’s detox powerhouses - it can bind to oestrogen receptors, which can help with oestrogen dominant conditions and hormonal imbalances like PCOS, fibroids and period irregularities)

  • Sesame seeds - these little seeds are rich in minerals including calcium, phosphorus and iron!

  • Chicken or tofu - protein, protein, protein - you know I’m always on about adding protein to every meal or snack because it helps keep you fuller for longer, regulates blood sugar levels and supports energy

Serves 2


  • 2 cups of bone broth or water

  • 2 teaspoons of organic miso paste

  • 1 broccoli head, cut into florets

  • 1 bok choy, sliced

  • 1/2 cup of frozen corn kernels or green peas

  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds

  • Noodles of choice - I use soba noodles or rice noodles

  • Optional - freshly sliced ginger, chilli and/or garlic, and fresh coriander and/or bean sprouts


  1. Add bone broth or water to a saucepan, with 2 teaspoons of miso paste, freshly sliced ginger, garlic and or chilli, and slowly bring to a simmer

  1. Add noodles and gently simmer until noodles are cooked (usually 5 minutes)

  2. Add the vegetables and cook for a few minutes

  3. Divide into bowls and top with fresh coriander, sesame seeds and bean sprouts
