FAQ Homeopathy Kits

Come and check out the most commonly asked questions about the homeopathic kits. And you’ll hear about some of the celebs and royals that are HUGE homeopathy fans and homeopathy users!

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Olivia McFadyen
Homeopathic Kits for the Home Prescriber

You don’t need a homeopath every time you have a niggling health issue. YOU can use homeopathy for acute complaints and health concerns. Let me share the two homeopathic kits I’ve created for the home prescriber, so you can become the healer in your own home and address acute complaints like fever, cold/flu, diarrhoea, teething pain, tonsillitis, etc.

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Olivia McFadyen
Immune Resilience Webinar

Why does your immune system actually do? Let’s take a deep dive into immunity 101 and the innate + adaptive immune response. Learn 6 simple ways to build immune resilience and support your immune response.

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Olivia McFadyen
Avoiding Additives

If there’s 13 additives in a standard sausage, and over 15 additives in store-bought chicken nuggets, where do you even start when it comes to avoiding additives, and optimising your health?

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Olivia McFadyen
Choc Mint Bliss Balls

Growing up, I’d get a Tim Tam or Mint Slice biccie once every so often, and gees did I savour the taste. These choc mint bliss balls aren’t quite the same, but they’re not far off! They’re jam-packed with nutrients to regulate blood sugar levels, support healthy hormones and promote bowel regularity!

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Olivia McFadyen
Lemon Curd Bliss Balls

Lemon curd is one of my all time fave desserts, and these bliss balls have that same tarty buttery lemon flavour, that will curb your sweet tooth and leave you satiated, all at the same time!

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Olivia McFadyen
Salted Caramel Bliss Balls

Salt + caramel is such a heavenly combo. The good news, there’s such a thing as healthy caramel - that my friends, is tahini (sesame seeds) + maple syrup! And this recipe captures the caramel flavour we all know and love!

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Olivia McFadyen
Healthy Bliss Balls

Bliss balls can be such an easy, satiating and nourishing snack. These 3 recipes contain bliss balls that have all macronutrients - carbs - fibre, fats and protein, so you get all the physical benefits, as well as a taste sensation!

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Olivia McFadyen